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Environmental Footprint

Environment Concept - Globe Glass In Green Forest With Sunlight.jpg

Understanding your environmental footprint is an important part of any sustainability program and commitment to address climate change and reduce our environmental impact but: 

~ You can't control or improve what you don't measure ~

Defining your environmental footprint can include, in addition to others, GHG (scope 1, scope 2 and scope 3) emissions, non-GHG emissions, energy consumption, water consumption, refrigerants and waste. 

What needs to be clear, is setting your footprint boundary including applicable environmental performance parameters to measure.

I can complete a thorough inventory/emissions investigation with you to firstly, establish the boundary of your environmental footprint then, calculate and document your environmental footprint in accordance with international (including ISO 14001 and the GHG Protocol), local (NGER, NPI) and internal requirements.

Wherever possible, footprint calculations will be streamlined with other reporting external and internal reporting obligations. 

Once your footprint is established, I can develop tracking and forecasting tools to monitor your progress towards targets and ambitions.

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