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NPI Reporting


The Australian Federal Government introduced the National Pollutant Inventory (NPI) scheme to provide a national framework to provide the community, industry and government with information about substance emissions and waste transfers in Australia. Implementation is the responsibility of State and Territory environment protection agencies via provisions made in the National Environment Protection (National Pollutant Inventory) Measure 1999.

Certain industry types that exceed certain thresholds for target NPI substances are legislatively required to report their emissions to air, water and land and potentially waste transfers annually (financial or calendar year as agreed by NPI).

You need to know exactly what your reporting obligations are and ensure that these obligations are met.

My years of NPI reporting will ensure we get it right.

What I can do is:

  • Determine (confirm) your NPI reporting obligation 

  • Define (confirm) your reporting boundary

  • Estimate reportable emissions to air, water and land

  • Estimate waste transfers

  • Report these to the NPI

  • Provide a clear audit trail for data reported

  • Develop (update) reporting procedures

  • Keep you updated when there are changes to the NPI requirements and available methods for reporting and their potential implications​​​

My services are tailored to meet the specific NPI reporting needs of each client. I will work collaboratively throughout the entire process.  I guarantee to streamline the reporting process and provide valuable insights into what your data is showing and areas for improved reporting efficiencies and environmental performance.

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